DAY 17 | God Most High

and he (Melchizedek) blessed Abram, saying,

“Blessed is El Elyon (God Most High) who has handed your enemies over to you.” Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything.

Genesis 14:19-20

photography by Mads Schmidt / calligraphy by Rita Ip



God Most High, You are worthy of my highest and truest praise. Your unparalleled supremacy decimates my pride and self-sufficiency. Nothing and no one comes close to You. You alone are the ultimate recipient of all honor, glory, and power.

Thank You for the blood of Christ, through which I can be in a relationship with God Most High.

Forgive me for elevating anything higher than You, even the innately good things in life. Forgive me when I pursue counterfeit or lesser gods who only offer empty promises.

Lord, only You can help me fully recognize and submit to Your sovereignty and authority over everything. Reign in every area of my life, You deserve the highest place of honor.

Because You are God Most High, I declare I fear nothing and no one but You alone.

A few facts…

  • El is the generic name for God and Elyon means “Most High” in Hebrew. With the two words combined, El Elyon, the emphasis is placed on God’s majesty and supremacy.

  • The root word of Elyon means to “go up” and “ascend”. Thus, El Elyon can also be interpreted as “the Ascended God”.

  • The name El Elyon first appears in the Bible regarding Melchizedek, a mysterious and timeless king of Salem and priest of El Elyon, who brought bread and wine to Abram and blessed him, then Abram gave him a tenth of everything. (Genesis 14:18–20)

Exercise 1:


Find your place of solitude, and set aside a minute or so just to stretch a bit, smile and take a few deep breaths.

Smile and breathe. Smile, in His supremacy He chooses to dwell in you and walk with you. Breathe in through your nose as you picture Him sitting in the highest place possible. Hold your breath for a few seconds as you look up to gaze upon Him. Slowly and gently breathe out through your mouth, as you release anything that weighs you down.

On a fresh page in your journal, write to God Most High. You don’t need beautiful handwriting or excellent writing skills, you just need an honest heart. Posture your heart to hear Him. The more we open up ourselves to Him, the more we allow Him to speak to us and transform us. Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into a deep and meaningful conversation, and record it in your journal.

[Part 1]

Dear Father / God Most High, …

[Part 2]

Dear child / (your name), …

  • • Describe to Him an experience which convinced you of His supremacy over other gods/powers.

    • Describe to Him an experience which made you doubt His supremacy over other gods/powers.

    • Talk to Him about your problems with prioritizing Him.

    • Ask Him to reveal the “counterfeit gods” in your life that you may be unaware of, and how they affect your relationship with Him.

    Check out Appendix 2 for more journal prompts.

Exercise 2:


He is El Elyon, God Most High. He reigns supreme over all. How does this relate to the way you live today? Write your declaration in your journal.

Because You are God Most High, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Read your declaration out loud with power and intent. If He sees that you can/you will/you are, who are you to disagree with Him? Be your own cheerleader, affirm and encourage yourself. Repeat your declaration a few times to renew your mind and rewire your brain. By doing this, you are attuning yourself to His reality, a realm that the world knows nothing of.

This completes Day 17 of HE. Today, I pray that you will always keep God Most High in His rightful place in your priorities.


Further study:

**You are welcome to share with me your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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