DAY 19 | The Faithful God

He is a rock.
What He does is perfect.
All His ways are fair.
He is El Emunah (The Faithful God), who does no wrong.
He is honorable and reliable.

Deuteronomy 32:4

photography by Jacalyn Beales / calligraphy by Rita Ip



I honor You for the faithfulness You have shown throughout history. Every promise You make has or will come true. I exalt You for You remain faithful to the end even if I am faithless.

Thank You for the assurance of hope that comes from Your unfailing promises. Thank You for answering my prayers even when my faith grows very weak. Time and again, Your faithfulness is starkly evident in my life.

Forgive me when I allow facts and circumstances to talk louder than Your truth and promises.

I need You, Lord. My life depends on Your faithfulness. Grant me unwavering faith in You, for it's impossible to please You without faith.

Because You are the Faithful God, I declare I will live a faith-filled life. Boldly and expectantly, I will choose faith and live by Your promises.

A few facts…

  • The word Emunah comes from the verb “aman” (meaning: to believe, to support, to confirm), from which we get the word “Amen”

  • The Hebrew word Emunah portrays firmness, steadfastness, fidelity, faithfulness, and truth

  • El Hanne’eman is another word for “The Faithful God” that is found in the Bible (e.g. Deuteronomy 7:9)

Exercise 1:


Find a quiet place, and try your best to eliminate distractions. Sit up straight, and do a few shoulder and neck rolls to release muscle tightness.

Smile and breathe. Smile, even if we are faithless, our Father remains faithful (2 Tim 2:13)! Slowly and deeply, breathe in through the nose, and let your lower belly expand as you celebrate His faithfulness. He is ever true to His word and His promises. Pause and hold your breath for a few seconds, and thank Him for an answered prayer that comes to your mind. Exhale a bit longer than you inhale, and release to Him your struggles to stay faithful to Him.

On a fresh page in your journal, write to the Faithful God today. Writing a two-way journal is creating space for conversation with Him. It is a place to pour out your emotions, gain clarity on yourself or your situation, reframe your story with Him, or come up with a plan or solution under His guidance. Spend time listening to His response and writing down your dialogue with Him. Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to guide you.

[Part 1]

Dear Father / The Faithful God, …

[Part 2]

Dear child / (your name), …

  • • Recount the memorable experiences of His faithfulness in your life.

    • You may ask Him how you can experience His faithfulness at a whole new level.

    • Recount the time when you doubt His faithfulness or even think that He is not faithful.

    • If you are facing a challenge that really stretches your faith, consider laying it all out before Him.

    • Discuss your own faithfulness with Him. Ask Him how to grow this fruit of the Spirit.

    Check out Appendix 2 for more.

Exercise 2:


He is The Faithful God. He keeps His promises and His covenant of love. How does this truth relate to the way you live today? In your journal, write a faith-filled declaration that is relevant to your current situation.

Because You are The Faithful God, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Read and repeat your declaration out loud to God and yourself. Practise speaking words of faith until it becomes natural to you. If it doesn’t feel natural to you, you probably aren’t really believing it yet. Keep practising, your faith will put a smile on His face.

This completes Day 19 of HE. Today, I pray for an upward spiral of faith in your life. Every time you put your faith in Him, you experience His unfailing faithfulness and in turn that strengthens your faith in Him!


Further study:

**You are welcome to share with me your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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