DAY 23 | Jealous God

Never worship any other god, because Yahweh is El Qanna (Jealous God). In fact, He is known for not tolerating rivals.

Exodus 34:14

photography by Maxim Tajer / calligraphy by Rita Ip



I praise You for You are Jealous God. This unusual name helps me realize that I am zealously loved and treasured by You. Your covenant love requires exclusive loyalty. Unfaithfulness is merely intolerable.

Thank You for making a covenant with me, which was sealed by the blood of Jesus. You are always faithful and true to me. You always patiently bring me back to You when I wander away.

Forgive me for being unaware of how deeply it actually hurts You each time I go after something other than You.

Circumcise my heart so that I can love You with all my soul and with all my strength. Cultivate in me an undivided devotion to You.

Because You are Jealous God, I declare I will keep Your covenant of love.

A few facts…

  • The word Qanna (or Kana) means jealous or zealous. It is an adjective derived from qinah, a Hebrew feminine noun meaning ardour (a strong feeling of energy or eagerness), zeal, or jealousy.

  • God has made a covenant of love with His people, a covenant He compares repeatedly to a marriage. He demands exclusive faithfulness and fidelity from His covenant people, for He is zealous and passionately committed to seeing the very best for His loved ones. He does not want them to be destroyed by idolatry.

  • Examples of other Biblical figures who demonstrated godly jealousy include Phinehas (Numbers 25), David (Psalm 69:9), Elijah (1 Kings 19:10–14), Jesus (John 2:13–17), and Paul (2 Corinthians 11:1–4).

Exercise 1:


In a quiet place, have your journal and your favorite drink ready. Make yourself comfortable, slow down your breaths, and relax your muscles.

Smile and breathe. Smile, He loves you relentlessly and passionately with fiery love! Breathe in slowly as you picture the flame of His consuming fire in your mind. Hold your breath for a few seconds, and picture that His fire purifies and refines your heart. Exhale a bit longer than you inhale, and slowly release anything that comes between you and Him.

Today, we will write to the Jealous God. To me, this is one of the most intriguing titles of God. I pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you into a deep and meaningful conversation with Him. Spend time listening to His response, and write down the conversation in your journal.

[Part 1]

Dear Father / Jealous God …

[Part 2]

Dear child / (your name), …

  • • Tell Him what you think of your relationship with Him

    • Take this opportunity to renew your covenant of love with Him (check out Wesleyan Covenant Prayer, you may express it in your own words)

    • Describe your personal experience of “His jealousy” if you have any

    • Ask Him to reveal anything in your life that provokes His jealousy

    • Tell Him about what makes you jealous, process your thoughts and feelings with Him.

    Check out Appendix 2 for more.

Exercise 2:


What we tolerate, we perpetuate. We probably have been tolerating some automatic negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, and lies, knowingly or unknowingly. They will continue to hinder us from walking in abundance and victory if we don’t make a conscious effort to combat them. This is where a declaration of faith comes into play.

He is the Jealous God who is zealous in having your undivided devotion to Him. How does this relate to the way you live? In your journal, write down your own declaration.

Because You are the Jealous God, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Read your declaration to Him and yourself. Repeat it as many times as it takes to penetrate your heart. If you do this regularly, over time, the thoughts instilled by your declarations will become your new reality.

This completes Day 23 of HE. Today, I pray that He who initiated this covenant of love will cultivate in you an undivided devotion to Him.


Further study:

**You are welcome to share your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments with me. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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