Elohim (God) answered Moses, “Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (I AM THAT I AM). This is what you must say to the people of Israel: ‘Ehyeh (I AM) has sent me to you.’”

Exodus 3:14

photography by Daniel Sturgess / calligraphy by Rita Ip



I am in awe of You for Your absolute, unchanging, infinite, and eternal existence. You are never bound by time or space. You are the LORD, who is and who was and who is to come. You are self-existent and ever-present.

All I am is a mere breath and my days a fleeting shadow. Please accept my heartfelt thanks for loving and caring for me.

Forgive me for my spiritual short-sightedness, and I tend to focus on temporal things.

Grant me wisdom to live my life, for all the earthly pleasures and treasures people strive so hard for will utterly be meaningless.

Because You are the Great I AM, I declare I am created to live with an eternal perspective, and I believe in Your perfect timing. I refuse to be anxious, angry, or upset about temporal matters.

A few facts…

  • Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh is God's self-given and personal name that He revealed to Moses at the burning bush on Mount Horeb.

  • Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh is also translated as I AM WHO I AM, I will be what I will be, I AM, the Great I AM, I will become what I choose to become, I will be what I will be, I create what I create, or I am the Existing One.

  • Ehyeh is the first person of Yahweh. Yahweh represents the biblical pronunciation of “YHWH” (also known as tetragrammaton)

  • It refers to the self-existing, self-sustaining, self-sufficient, infinite, God who was, who is, and who will be.

Exercise 1:


Find a space where you can write quietly and comfortably. Relax your neck and shoulders.

Smile and breathe. Smile, your past, present, and future are all in His loving hands. Breathe in easily through your nose, and let the air go down to your lower abdomen, as you exalt Him who is even bigger than the ever-expanding universe. Pause and hold your breath for a few seconds, as you magnify Him who exists outside the bounds of time. Breathe out slowly as you think of the fact that everything on earth is temporary and has its own limit.

Start a new page in your journal. In the form of a letter, write to I AM THAT I AM. You are writing to the One who has always existed and will always exist, someone who has no beginning and no end. What would you like to tell Him or ask Him? Listen to His response, and record it.

[Part 1]

Dear Father, I AM THAT I AM, (The Great I AM) …

[Part 2]

Dear child / (your name), …

  • • Write to Him about your past, present, or future. Ask Him what He thinks of it.

    • Describe your own “burning bush experience”, or a remarkable encounter with Him (note: you may also write about not having such an experience)

    • Write about how you would live differently if you maintain an eternal perspective.

    *check out APPENDIX 2 for more

Exercise 2:


How does God’s self-existent, ever-present and omnipresent nature relate to the way you live today? Write your own declaration now.

Because You are I AM THAT I AM, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Read your declaration out loud a couple of times. Read it to Him and to yourself, slowly and with certainty. Let the words sink into your heart and strengthen your faith.

This completes Day 2 of HE, thank you for joining me. Today, I pray that He will take you to a much deeper understanding of His powerful name, I AM THAT I AM, that enables you to put your time on earth into perspective.


**You are welcome to share your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments with me. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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