DAY 03 | God Almighty

When Abram was 99 years old, Yahweh appeared to him. He said to Abram, “I am El Shaddai (God Almighty). Live in my presence with integrity. I will give you my covenant and I will give you very many descendants.”

Genesis 17:1-2

photography by Johannes Plenio / calligraphy by Rita Ip



God Almighty, I praise You! There is nothing too difficult for You, and nothing in this world can diminish Your mighty power.

Thank You that through Christ I have access to You, the All-Sufficient One. In You, there is inexhaustible love, wisdom, power, and kingdom resources. You are enough for me.

Forgive me when I do not even think of relying on You. Forgive me for my unbelief and my self-sufficiency.

May I never forget how much I need You in my life? Please grant me the grace to recognize and accept my limits. Let me gladly boast in my weaknesses, in which Your power is made perfect. Fill me with the joy of partnering with You!

Because You are the God Almighty, I declare my total dependence on You, and I will see Your mighty hand in my daily life.

A few facts…

  • The meaning of El is God, however, the meaning of Shaddai is a subject of debate, it may have derived from shad (Hebrew word for breast, which denotes nourishment and sustenance), or from Šadu (Akkadian word for mountain).

  • The possible meanings and translations of El Shaddai include: God Almighty, the overpowerer, the thunderer, All-sufficient One, The God of the Mountain.

  • El Shaddai is first mentioned in Genesis 17:1-2, when God told Abram that He would make a covenant with him and Abram (99 years old) would have descendants.

  • The book of Job uses the name Shaddai more than any other book in the Bible.

Exercise 1:


Find a place where you can write undisturbed. Sit up straight, don’t slouch. Relax your shoulders, neck, and jaws.

Smile and breathe. Smile, nothing is impossible with the All-Sufficient One. Inhale gently but deeply through your nose, just imagine you are breathing in His mighty power, and allow it to fill your belly. Hold your breath for a few seconds, celebrate the fact that His power dwells in you 24/7. Slowly exhale through your mouth, and let go of things that seem difficult or impossible to you.

Writing a two-way journal is connecting and interacting with Him. Today, we are writing to God Almighty who never stops working miracles. Be still and listen. Allow the monologue to become a dialogue and record the conversation in your journal. Let’s welcome the Holy Spirit to guide you to a beautiful encounter with Him.

[Part 1]

Dear Father / God Almighty, …

[Part 2]

Dear child / (your name), …

  • You are greatly encouraged to write your journal freely, but if you need journal prompts to you get started, here are a few (check out APPENDIX 2 for more):

    • Recall an instance in your life when He revealed His mighty power. Describe to Him your thoughts and feelings about it.

    • Talk to Him about a situation you find difficult or impossible to handle. Process your struggles before Him. Seek His advice.

    • Ask Him how He would like you to grow your faith in His power.

Exercise 2:


How does “who He is” (God Almighty) relate to “how you live”? Take a moment to reflect upon it and write your own declaration. You may include exact wordings from His promises, you may make it relevant to a specific situation you are in.

Because You are God Almighty, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Read it out loud so you can actually hear the words. Repeat it a couple of times. This allows you to align your heart with His truth, and train your eyes to see God’s reality. It is a powerful tool for banishing the limiting beliefs that hold you back from having an abundant life.

This completes Day 3 of HE. Today, I pray that you will humbly admit your limits and weaknesses, and fully surrender yourself to God Almighty, whose power will rest on you just as He promised.


**You are welcome to share your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments with me. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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