DAY 29 | The LORD of Heaven’s Armies

David told the Philistine, “You come to me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come to you in the name of Adonai Tseva’ot (the LORD of Heaven’s Armies), the God of the army of Israel, whom you have insulted.

1 Sam 17:45

photography by Barth Bailey / calligraphy by Rita Ip



The LORD of Heaven’s Armies, I praise You for Your sovereignty over every power in earthly and spiritual realms. There are innumerable armies of angels at Your disposal. All creation moves at Your commands and serves Your purpose.

Thank You for the power in me is always greater than the power in the world. You never stop working in my life. You send your mighty armies to protect me and to fight for me.

Forgive me when I am engulfed in fear and despair as if You were absent, powerless, or uninterested in my struggles. Forgive me when I forget the battles are Yours, and I just need to be still.

Grant me wisdom to pick my battles and faith to allow You to fight for me.

Because You are the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, I declare there is no real threat in my life, for I am securely protected by an invincible power.

A few facts…

  • Adonai (or Yahweh, YHWH, Jehovah) Tseva’ot (or Tzva’ot, Sabaoth) refers to “the God of the Angel Armies“. Other translations include “the LORD of Armies”, “the LORD of Hosts”, “the LORD of the Heavenly Armies”, “the LORD of Powers”, and ”LORD Almighty”. This name places the emphasis on the resources available to God

  • Tsava (or tzava) is the Hebrew word for army, or host (as in a large organized army). It’s often used to refer to the angelic armies of God in the Bible. Today, the same word refers to Israeli Defence Force. Tzavaot is the plural form, meaning multiple armies.

  • Adonai Tseva’ot appeared 235 times in the Bible. A highlight of two of the events: Hannah who was deeply troubled by her barrenness cried out to God by this name (1 Samuel 1:11); Young David stepped up to face Goliath, he said he came in this name (1 Sam 17:45).

Exercise 1:


Find a quiet space to meet Him, and make yourself comfortable. Relax your neck and shoulders.

Smile and breathe. Smile, He will fight for you, you only need to be still (Exodus 14:14). Take a couple of deep breaths. Inhale slowly through your nose, and picture this “Warrior God” leading His army of countless angels, fighting your battles now. Hold your breath for a few seconds, and celebrate His victory over everything. Exhale through your mouth, slowly and longer than you inhale, and breathe out any helplessness or powerlessness you may be feeling right now. Try to go deeper with each breath.

Today we will write to the LORD of Heaven’s Armies. What would you like to tell or ask Him? Let’s invite the Holy Spirit to guide you to a deep and meaningful conversation. Wait for His response, and write down what you receive in spirit.

[Part 1]

Dear Father, the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, …

[Part 2]

Dear child / (your name), …

  • • Describe to Him the time you felt His armies at work in your life

    • Describe to Him the time you really didn’t see or felt Him fight your battles

    • The LORD of Hosts has inexhaustible resources at His disposal. Tell Him what you need to win your battles, and listen to His response

    • Do you constantly feel that you’re fighting multiple battles all by yourself? Tell Him your experience and how you feel, and ask Him how to partner with Him

    Check out APPENDIX 2 for more.

Exercise 2:


He is the LORD of Heaven’s Armies. He has limitless resources. Nothing is beyond His control or capability. How does this relate to the way you live? In your journal, write a declaration that is relevant to your current situation.

Because You are the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Engage your faith as you read your declaration out loud to Him and yourself. Repeat it slowly and with certainty. These are simple steps to renew and rewire your mind and position yourself for victory.

This completes Day 29 of HE. Today, I pray just as Elisha did for his servant, that our Father will open your eyes to see the mighty army surrounding you, and there are always more forces on your side than on the enemy’s side (2 Kings 6:16-17). This is God’s reality, step into it!


Further study:

**You are welcome to share your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments with me. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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