DAY 30 | The LORD My Light

Adonai Ori (The Lord My Light) and my salvation— so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?

Psalm 27:1

photography by Jan Huber / calligraphy by Rita Ip



The LORD My Light, I exalt You. In the very beginning, You spoke light into existence. Your light powers all life processes. Your light reveals deep and hidden things. Even in the pitch dark, You see everything clearly.

Thank You for carrying me through my darkest days and being my guiding light. Thank You for breaking the power of Satan, rescuing me from the dominion of darkness and transferring me to Your kingdom, so I may walk in the light.

Forgive me for allowing myself to participate in the unfruitful or even shameful deeds of darkness.

Illuminate my path as I follow You. Make me Your light-bearer, enable me to shine Your divine light, and empower me to reveal Christ in a Christ-denying world.

Because You are the LORD My Light, I declare I will proclaim the excellencies of You who have called me out of darkness into Your marvelous light.

A few facts…

  • The Hebrew word for light is “ohr” (אוֹר), it means something more than “illumination“. It also means “bringing order to something chaotic.” Thus, when God declared ‘let there be light,’ He did not only mean illumination, He also meant to bring order to the formless world.

  • Adonai Ori comes from Psalm 27, a psalm of David. David demonstrated lively faith as he declared God his light and salvation in a season of trouble. [note: David was also being described as “the light of Israel” by his men in 2 Samuel 21:17]

Exercise 1:


Quiet yourself in His presence, and get rid of anything that may distract you. Sit comfortably and relax. If possible, do a few stretches to release muscle tension.

Smile and breathe. Smile, your light has come, and His splendor shines on you. Take a few deep breaths to relax. Gently inhale as you picture His warm, bright light coming from above. Hold your breath for a few seconds, and give thanks for His light never goes out. Slowly exhale the darkness and dullness inside you. Try to go deeper each time you take another breath.

Start a new page in your journal, we will write to The LORD Your Light. Let’s invite the Holy Spirit to search your heart and guide you as you write. Record your conversation with Him.

[Part 1]

Dear Father / the LORD My Light, …

[Part 2]

Dear child / (your name), …

  • • Praising Him is always a great way to start

    • Tell Him what “light” means to you

    • Tell Him how you’ve experienced His light in your life

    • Describe the darkness (or light) you see in the world, in your community, or in yourself, and ask Him to show you what He sees

    • Simply ask Him to show you one thing you can do to shine His light today

    Check out APPENDIX 2 for more.

Exercise 2:


He is The LORD Your Light. How does this relate to the way you live? In your journal, write a simple declaration relevant to you or your current situation.

Because You are The LORD My Light, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Read it out loud to Him and yourself. Let faith arise as you repeat it over a few times, say it with great certainty. The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit (Proverbs 18:21). Your words have power, and your declaration will take root and become your reality.

This completes Day 30 and the entire journey of HE. I thank our Father for bringing you here, and for all the powerful work He has done throughout these 30 days. Thank you, it’s been such a joy to have you!

Today I pray that nothing can hide or dim the light He is shining through you, this light contains the full spectrum of His divine attributes!


Further study:

**You are welcome to share your journal entries, declarations, thoughts or comments with me. You can write to

HE (Hebrew Names of God)

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